MCVOLT-IN: MCVO Leadership Team Insights & News (July 2024)

MCVOLT-IN: MCVO Leadership Team Insights & News (July 2024)

Welcome to another edition of MCVOLT-IN: MCVO Leadership Team Insights & News! This is a monthly column featuring editorials, updates, and other content from the MCVO Talent Outsourcing Services’ leadership team. This column aims to give our clients, employees, and followers a closer look at what happens in and out of the MCVO office, and what our leaders and teams are up to! Enjoy reading!



MCVOlympics 2024

Commentary By: Jelyn “Jeh” Dabuyan | Help Desk Support Supervisor |


One event I have always wanted to have here at MCVO is a sports event. As someone who loves playing volleyball and has been joining company sports events from my previous employers, it’s always been a dream of mine to have one in MCVO.

I remember discussing this dream of mine with Starry and Maybel and they both agreed with me until one day this topic came to light in one of the leads’ meetings and I’m happy that it has been implemented.

We may be a small company and creating this kind of event is a challenge since we can’t have everyone have the same mindset and passion as me when it comes to volleyball.

Leadership Team Insight, MCVOLT-IN: MCVO Leadership Team Insights & News (July 2024)

Leadership Team Insight, MCVOLT-IN: MCVO Leadership Team Insights & News (July 2024)

I found joy in my heart when this event was approved and I felt excited to wait for the upcoming event. I didn’t have high expectations for those who joined the volleyball event but I am thankful that there are still those who showed up and shown interest in the sport.

It may be different from how I usually play but I enjoyed that day we had laughing at each other’s mistakes in the game and at the same time teasing each other to make sure everyone was enjoying the game and the event.

Leadership Team Insight, MCVOLT-IN: MCVO Leadership Team Insights & News (July 2024)

Leadership Team Insight, MCVOLT-IN: MCVO Leadership Team Insights & News (July 2024)



“I’m thankful that MCVO made this event possible and I hope that this will become a yearly event and more employees and experienced players will join this event. This kind of event also helped everyone to get to know each other better and was an opportunity to show your passion.”

— Jelyn Dabuyan, Help Desk Support Supervisor


Leadership Team Insight, MCVOLT-IN: MCVO Leadership Team Insights & News (July 2024)

Leadership Team Insight, MCVOLT-IN: MCVO Leadership Team Insights & News (July 2024)



That’s it for this month’s MCVOLT-IN! We hope you enjoyed this edition, and we look forward to sharing more with you next month!

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